April 29, 2011

Wigging out: a bachelorette bash.

Our good friends John and Breanne are getting married! In honor of this huge event, Breanne's sweet sisters-in-law gave her something to wig out about (nope, the puns never get old). This colorful party was unforgettable. Highlights? Oh there are lots, including the infamous penis veil that you may remember from my bash, genetilia shaped food, WIGS (mandatory), lots of derby gals, yummy champagne punch, kareoke, neon pink Harry Slaughter drinks, dirty games, dirty bars and a dirty strip club.  Photos? Yep, we got a few.
 The bride

She asked for dirty cop attire. I found these handcuff pasties and a hat. PERFECT.


Nate! We love Nate!

A sweet dive bar embrace from the bride to be.

Chris and Sam came and got me at 3 AM. Sweet boys. What a fun night. 


April 25, 2011

Hard vanilla rootbeer.

This is what I'm drinking tonight.

1 can rootbeer.
1 shot Absolute Vanilla vodka.

If you're feeling adventurous, ADD ICE CREAM.

April 21, 2011

The porch potty.

Sam's Porch Potty finally came! This is what we've decided to try after the mess of potty pads and disaster of astro turf. Basically, it's a heavy-duty box that comes with a draining system, scented fire hydrant and a piece of sod. Yes, that's real grass.

Dogs prefer to go on grass versus turf or cement. Since we live in a townhouse, this is our best chance. Sam, Hemingway and I spent hoooours outside waiting for a peepee miracle.

There were some photo ops.

As you can see in the video, his first impression was curiosity. Excitement. Maybe confusion. When he decided to play with/knock over the hydrant, I knew it wasn't time...

Later on, we tried again. He did the opposite of pee. He nested. Then lied down for a nap. *SIGH*

He chose to do his business on the fence instead of his new fancy grass pad. The next morning, though, while getting ready for work, the miracle happened. With a look of complete shame in his big, brown eyes, he lifted a leg and wizzed on the hydrant there upon the grassy haven. I gave him major praise. We're totally on the right track. GOOD BOY, SAMUEL L.

April 12, 2011

Stuffed mushrooms.

First and foremost, we're nowhere near the goal for Strut You Mutt, so if you haven't taken a look yet, please go here to read a bit about it. Even the smallest of donations will be appreciated.

Secondly, my gal pal Jessica made these shrooms for us once and they blew my mind. I insisted on trying it myself. Not as good as when she made them (isn't that how it always is?) but delicious nonetheless. Enjoy!

  • 24 mushrooms -- stems removed
  • 1 pound spicy ground sausage (or go vegetarian and use fake meat. I actually prefer it without the sausage but Chris adored the sausage)
  • 8 oz. cream cheese
  • 1/2 bunch fresh parsley -- chopped
  • Grated parmesan
  • Bread crumbs

Preheat oven to 375.
Brown the sausage. While it cools mix all other ingredients together.
Mix in browned sausage.
Spoon mixture into mushroom caps.
Cook on top rack at 375 for 10-12 minutes.

April 9, 2011

2011 Strut Your Mutt

Over 30,000 young, healthy animals are euthanized in Utah every year. Five million nationally. The Strut your Mutt walk helps raise money to support no-kill shelters so that this number will eventually be lowered. We have too many unwanted pets here--namely because of the lack of spay and neutering. Adoption rescue should be the first choice for those considering a pet in their household. The mutts need homes, too! Just because a pet may not be coming from a pure breed or a champion bloodline doesn't mean they won't serve their purpose as loving companions.

Please donate or participate in the walk by clicking here.  (When you click there you will be awarded with a photo of Sam. My all time favorite photo of Sam.) You don't even have to have a mutt to strut. Just show support by walking or giving a few dollars.

Our donation page was created in support of TAO Rescue--Tooele Animal Outreach. I was touched by Daye Abbot's story of their foster dog, Bebecca. She was found bloody and abused by the side of the road (probably drug behind a car).

No matter which charity you choose to donate directly to, they all support the same goal: to reduce the amount of homeless pets in the U.S. Thank you in advance for your selfless generosity.