December 26, 2010

From our family to yours.

Photography and card design by PiperPix. Blog:

Recycled scrap rosettes.

Tonight I'm making these. A lot of them. I'm not sure what to do with them, but they're just so cute and easy to make, it's hard to stop. A few ideas to put 'em to use: headbands (for kids or free-spirited adults), cardigans, necklaces, earrings, pillow embellishments. 
Make them from old rags, unused T-shirts, leftover fabric scraps, grosgrain ribbon, a curtain. ANYTHING.

See exactly how to do it here.

My favorite of the bunch? None other than the burlap one. You thought my burlap obsession was over, huh?


I ordered this scarf from my friend's online business.
I am absolutely in love with it. The colors. The crochet. Sigh. I WILL learn to crochet.

Candycane sugar scrub.

We gifted a lot of homemade candycane sugar scrub this year for the holidays. My mom and I made it ourselves. We came up with this delectable recipe. You should try it while it's still in season; it feels soooo good on rough wintertime skin.

1 cup granulate white sugar
3 tablespoons finely crushed candycane
3/4 cup sweet almond oil
1/2 teaspoon vitamin E oil (to preserve)
1 teaspoon cocoa butter
12 drops peppermint essential oil
Depending on the consistency you want, you may add more or less almond oil.

December 19, 2010

Honeymoon tidbits: Part 4 (the liquor)

This is where the vacation takes a nasty turn. You always hear "don't drink the water in Mexico." I didn't take this entirely into consideration like I should have. Chris and I discussed this on our way down and decided we'd drink bottled water when it was readily available and be lax about it when it's not. Mistake.

Notice how most photos of our vacation involve some sort of alcoholic beverage? Duh. It's a vacation. And I wasn't going to give up my opportunity to have a blended margarita just because of some puny Mexican ice. On the day we began our journey back to the U.S., Montezuma got his revenge. Only on me, though. Chris...well Chris has a stomach and colon of steel. No fair.

Honeymoon tidbits: Part 3 (the love...ick!)

 This honeymoon was truly wonderful. Great one-on-one lovey time. Did you know Chris and I have never gone on a real vacation? ("real" meaning leaving the area for more than a weekend). We've been a couple for eight years. This is unacceptable and now we've realized that we do need to make more time for getaways. We really do need to find a way to bring Sam with us though. :)

Honeymoon tidbits: Part 2 (the creatures)

Cats, monkeys and some un-nameable animals crawling everywhere!

Honeymoon tidbits: Part 1 (the beach)

Playa del Carmen (the beachy part inside the confines of our resort) was the definition of tropical paradise.
Top left: This is a gigantic shell Chris found on the beach. Top right: Chris's first time at the ocean. Any ocean. Ever. Clearly he's loving it. Bottom left: Mimosas in the morning (and afternoon. and evening). Bottom mid: Buried in a Chris-dug hole up to my knees. Bottom right: A night out.

December 5, 2010 commercial.

Chris and I are on the front row, 18-20 seconds--heads bobbing singing away. My friend Jessica is the one at 20 seconds with the tongue piercing causing all the controversy. C'mon peeps. Aren't there more important things to get uppity about? This was a lot of fun to make. I really wish they would have chosen the take where I made an 'O' shape with my hand and peeked through it during the "Oh oh oh the big big O" part.

December 4, 2010

Wedding garland turned tree garland.

I found a new use for my wedding aisle garland! SEE MOM?

Here's to crafty, nontraditional trees

Jennifer Aniston.

I saw it! Today my hair did a weird flippy thing and for a split second I saw the resemblance to Jennifer Aniston (circa 1995)! But it didn't last long. And it wasn't that apparent.