October 12, 2011

In memoriam.

Thoughts of Cliff fill my head today. Our sweet, smiling grandpa with a big back and bushy beard.

It's been a whole year. I miss him. I look at his note on our wedding wishing tree at least once a week, when I find myself sitting near it. I've positioned it so it's in the forefront and easy to access. I absolutely love when people ask about my tattoo because it puts a smile on my face immediately--just thinking of him. If I'm in a hurry or in an awkward situation, I simply say "It's a memorial to my late grandfather." If there's time to explain, I talk about how it's Chris's grandfather and how he's very special to me. I explain about the note on the wishing tree and how he was feeling stumped and almost didn't write anything down.  

His spirit lingers and protects; I feel it often. Bless you, Cliff...looking forward to a big bear hug again some day.

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